People at the Gym #1: The Wanderer

So I’ve come to the realization that I can’t just keep chronicling my workouts verbatim and expect ANYBODY (except mom) to keep reading this blog.  With this in mind, I present the first part of an ongoing series: People at the Gym!  I will attempt to give you a peek into the lives and mannerisms of the people I meet/observe/get-annoyed-by at the gym.  I’ll kick the series off tonight with “The Wanderer”

You’ve all seen this guy… late 50’s/early 60’s, balding, wears sweatpants (possibly with cargo pockets), neon tennis shoes, and a portable cassette tape player on his hip w/ old school headphones.  I generally notice him at some point during my second set of exercises because he’s lingering awkwardly close to my machine… likely trying to spy on the amount of weight I’m lifting.  I’m never sure if he wants the machine next because he’s spent the last few minutes randomly shuffling around the gym floor while bobbing his head to whatever John Denver song happens to be playing on his cassette.  As I continue through my workout, I notice that he will scan the dumbbells, then select the 15’s to do a set of 5 bicep curls (yes, five total reps, not five per arm.)  He then gravitates toward any unfortunate female that happens to be nearby.  Perhaps he will attempt to make conversation, but likely he will sit down on the leg machine closest to her and proceed to work his inner thighs.  After that, he’ll probably complete his “workout” with 2 minutes and 17 seconds on the elliptical.  I have absolutely no idea why this guy has decided to pay for a gym membership.  My best guess is that his doctor suggested he should “get in the gym more.”  So he doing precisely that: BEING IN THE GYM, and nothing more, except maybe making a few ladies feel uncomfortable.  Tonight, I salute you Mr. Wanderer!

My workout tonight went pretty well.  It was another day of chest, triceps, and shoulders.  I did chest presses, flys, decline presses, tricep push-downs and overhead raises, and shoulder presses.  I also ran on the treadmill for the first time since breaking my toe!  It felt much better, but not 100% yet… still encouraging.  Protein today consisted of lots of peanuts, chicken for lunch and dinner, and my post-workout shake.  Somewhere in the neighborhood of 125g.  Make any suggestions for back and bicep workouts in the comments tonight because I’ll be working those tomorrow!  Have a fantastic evening!

About JoggingJesse

I'm a 25 year old guy, and I hate running. So, I'm starting a blog about what that very topic... in hopes that my perspective will change.
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